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What men like about women?

VSR is a mechanism that every human being possesses and explains why, with certain people, the desire to have a sexual intimacy awakens, while with others we feel dislike of just imagining it. It has been studied that men and women differ in what attracts them, and today we will see how this mechanism works in men. Sometimes we feel it is impossible to refrain from looking at beautiful women even knowing that we should not observe them before starting an interaction. This happens because what attracts us to them is by 80% their reproduction value (VR), that is: good genetics expressed in their beauty, that is young and attractive. In other words: their physical appearance. It is what initially has more weight for men. This does not mean that personality isn´t important, but if this is the only element that caught our attention, we will most like see to establish a bond of friendship before anything else. Although in some cases we try to balance our attraction codes in terms of b
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Hey. I see you in my blog! This photography was taken on 2012, in the fifth court for the Club Sirio Unido. I don´t remember who take it but was when Nico and me finish the training session. Two intensitive tennis hours  following the Horacio De La Peña instructions. The third person you can see was my sport psychologist in that time, called Rodrigo Cortés. The photo was taken because Rodrigo needed it for his tesis document. He was doing his practice in the academy. In the moment I wasn't very emocionated with the photo, but now I would have a better attitude. At that time, I didn't know how important that situation was in my life. Right now I'm retired for the high tennis competition. The sport is good option to have a healthy life, but not a very good idea if you wanna got a high prize money. Whatever, good experiencie.

My daily challenge...

I was thinking a lot minutes about the topic for this Blog post. I decided to talk about the motivation to do important things for me. All of us have dreams and goals in the life. But not all of us do the necesary things to make our dreams real. A lot of times, when the challenge forces us to get out for our comfort zone, we put an excuse and we don't deal it. This attitude works in a lot of different situations: in the university, in the homeworks, in the social life, etc. What happen when you have a good idea, but in a few time you see a lot of difficulties to make it real? Maybe both of us know the answer. Today I will challenge you to get out your comfort zone. You know yourself better than me, you own limits and fears. Try to make a little challenges first: come to talk an unknow person, make a post or live streaming on your InstaGram talking about whatever you like, etc. I try to do this every day and I need to say that is very, very difficult. Fears overtakes you. A lo

Smartphone, my favorite piece of technology!

When I was 18 I had a very slow and no very functional phone and I decide to change that for other more technologier. I enter to a " black market " group on Facebook and I bought a new one: my (now) very old and useded iPhone 6. In that time I spent a lot of money to bought it and when I payed could feel a pain on my heart (on my wallet too), whatever that was a very good inversion because now I sill have the same phone. This is my favorite piece of technology because I can do a lot of things with it: check u-cursos platform for the marks and the new jobs about the carrer, follow interesting and valuable content on Facebook and Instagram about very interesting topics, I can do jobs and work on my comunity projects when I'm in the public transport, and I can listen my favorite music on Spotify :P    

My professional decison!

I choose psychology because is the only way to continue link to sports, tennis especially. Kinesiology, nutritionist and fitness teacher were alternatives that I evaluated in the past, but I think "A lot of people is working in kinesiology, and the same with nutrition and fitness teacher, but sports psychology is not very developed in Chile". For that I would like to work is sports psychology, to help sportsman to manage their best performance in the courts, rings, etc.  Changing the topic, m y experience at the university until now was strange, because I'm very different to the other FACSO guys. They like to go to party, drink alcohol, smoke tabaco and weed, and listen to music very hard. The sport on Faculty isn't an important think.  But I like to sleep early, take care of my body, I don't drink and smoke drugs, and I don't like listen to music hard. I think that is a altethe's life. See you soon <3

My autobiography

I'm Matías and I was born in Santiago on April 8 th ,   1995. I studied in the Alonso de Ercilla Institute between 2003 and 2014. After  take the PSU, the points that I obtain lets me enter to study psychology the Faculty of Social Science at Universidad de Chile. Actually I'm in fourth year and I would like to work in sports psychology. About my family, I can tell you that we are a small family. I live with my mom near Santa Isabel subway station (in case you want to visit me <3). I have a sister and she is 31. Now she's living with us because she broke with her boyfriend recently and she's very sad, she need's family love and I with my mum give her a lot of them. My dad lives in Ecuador five years ago. He traveled for job. One thing that I like to do is go to the gym to work in by body. Is an important thing for me because I like to think that I have it's control. I like the sensation that you feel after finish a good training session too. Not always